Biphenylene Index

General properties

Symmetry point group D2h
Symmetry elements E     C2(z)     C2(y)     C2(x)     i     &sigmah(xy)     &sigmah(xz)     &sigmah(yz)
Irriducible representation &Gamma3N 10 Ag + 10 B1g + 5 B2g + 5 B3g + 5 Au + 5 B1u + 10 B2u + 10 B3u
Irriducible representation &Gammavib 10 Ag + 9 B1g + 4 B2g + 4 B3g + 5 Au + 4 B1u + 9 B2u + 9 B3u
Infrared active modes 4 B1u + 9 B2u + 9 B3u
Single ionization energy (eV)
Adiab. = 7.22 Vert. = 7.37 (Exp. 7.58 ± 0.03)
Double ionization energy (eV)
Singlet: Adiab. = 19.31 Vert. = 19.94 (Exp. 19.7 ± 0.2)
Triplet: Adiab. = 20.45 Vert. = 20.61
Electron affinity (eV)
Adiab. = 0.15 Vert. = 0.00 (Exp. —)
Zero Point Energies (kcal/mol)
Anion = 98 Neutral = 101 Cation = 101 Dication S = 101
Static dipole polarizabilities (Å3)
Anion: &alphaxx = 50 &alphayy = 25 &alphazz = 14
Neutral: &alphaxx = 31 &alphayy = 21 &alphazz = 11
Cation: &alphaxx = 36 &alphayy = 19 &alphazz = 10
Dication: &alphaxx = 36 &alphayy = 18 &alphazz = 9
Rotational constants(cm-1)
Anion: A = 9.203e-02 B = 2.231e-02 C = 1.796e-02
Neutral: A = 9.366e-02 B = 2.234e-02 C = 1.804e-02
Cation: A = 9.081e-02 B = 2.289e-02 C = 1.828e-02
Dication S: A = 8.737e-02 B = 2.336e-02 C = 1.843e-02
Dication T: A = 9.101e-02 B = 2.250e-02 C = 1.804e-02
van der Waals coefficients (a.u.)#
Average static polarizability &alpha(0) = 152
Effective frequency &omega1 = 0.400
Homomolecular Hamaker constant (x10-3) C6 = 6.91
Coefficient of the retardated vdW interaction (x10-6) KAA = 0.920

#The full set of C6biphenylene, PAH for all PAHs in the database can be found here

Biphenylene Index